I just finished painting the Most Holy Theotokos (Mother of God) and Ever-Virgin Mary "Platytera ton Ouranon" ("More Spacious than the Heavens)" at Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church, Urbana, IL, USA. The title "Platytera ton Ouranon" ("More Spacious than the Heavens)" refers to the paradoxical mystery in which our God, who created the universe, whom the cosmos cannot contain, was contained with the Virgin's Womb as He became Man in His incarnation.

The traditional placement of this icon in the Sanctuary (i.e. the Holy of Holies) calls to mind the fulfillment of the Old Testament shadows. The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and Temple of old held the Ark of the Covenant, overshadowed by images of Cherubim. In the fullness, we see the God-Man Jesus Christ Emmanuel ("God with us") enthroned in the Living Ark and the Living Temple, who is His Mother, the Theotokos. Angels overshadow the living Ark with their wings as they kneel in awe and worship.

I painted the mural entirely on location in tempera using paint I made from scratch with natural mineral pigments tempered in a wall-painting medium. The mural is about 6' (1.8m) tall and 20' (6m) across. I used the ancient underpainting "membrane" technique. I develop up a monochrome underpainting, on top of which I layer translucent layers of color and highlights. I have included photos of my process at the end of this post.

In this mural, I referenced frescoes which I studied on location last year. I drew largely from the fresco of the Theotokos Platytera from the Church of Saint Demetrios (AD 1320) at the Patriarchate of Peć in the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija.
Church of St. Demetrius, Patriarchate of Pec, Serbia |
Church of St. Demetrius, Patriarchate of Pec, Serbia |
The angels were largely inspired by the 11th c. frescoes in the Cathedral of Saint Sophia, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 12th c. frescoes of Saint Nicholas Church, Varosh, Prilep, N. Macedonia, as well as the work of contemporary icon painter Father Zenon Theodore.
Cathedral of Saint Sophia, Ohrid, North Macedonia |
Cathedral of Saint Sophia, Ohrid, North Macedonia
Saint Nicholas Church, Varosh, Prilep, N. Macedonia
Detail of Jesus Christ Emmanuel |
Detail of the Theotokos |
Detail of an angel |
Detail of an angel
The work in progress:
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